Saturday, May 7, 2011


For those of you who check here every once in a while, I didn't mean to take such a long break from blogging. These past few months have been particularly tumultuous. But summer is almost here and the sun is shining and it's finally warm in Colorado! I hope to share soon some of the things I've been learning about grace amidst chaos, especially about grace. For now, though, I'll point you to some of my favorite poems about mothers and I'll say that some of the most amazing graces in my life have been my four daughters and son-in-law. They are in many ways the most courageous people I've ever known, compassionate and interesting and just plain fun! I love you Laura, Michael, Lea, Lynnae, and Lydia!

And because he's brilliant and funny, a poem by Billy Collins, "The Lanyard," perhaps dedicated to his mother.